17 positive phrases to your children that will strengthen their self-esteem

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17 positive phrases to your children that will strengthen their self-esteem

17 positive phrases to your children that will strengthen their self-esteem

Positive parenting is a way of educating children based on respect, empathy and a caring attitude towards them, as well as consistency and discipline. Calm, understanding and communication are its pillars as opposed to yelling, anger and punishment.

Communication with children is essential to establish a positive relationship of support and trust with them, that’s why we compiled 17 positive phrases to say regularly to your children and thus strengthen their self-esteem .

“You can do it”

Good self-esteem is the foundation of our children’s mental health. Let him know that he is capable of doing anything he sets his mind to. Check out more interesting articles on our Blog Fam.

“I trust you”

Few phrases have as much power for our children’s self-esteem as this one. Knowing that we believe in them will give them confidence for any decision or goal they set for themselves in life.

“You are the most important to me”

You can assume they know, but it’s important to put it out there and tell your child or children how much they mean to you.

“I can help?”

Offer to help when they can’t do something for themselves. But beware, that does not mean doing things for them. Autonomy is key to their development. If we give them everything done every day, they will be unable to manage on their own when we are not there.

“I understand how you feel”

It is a way of validating your emotions. Although we cannot (nor should we) prevent them from feeling emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, it is key to transmit empathy and give value to what they feel.

“I like how you did it”

We usually highlight the mistakes of our children, but not so much the successes. Instead of spending all day pointing out what they do wrong, he begins to point out what they do right.

“You can try again”

It is necessary to let our children make mistakes and fail. Although it is difficult for us, overprotecting them to prevent them from making mistakes does not favor them at all. But when they make a mistake, they will have us there to encourage them to try again.

“I hear you”

It seems that we are always distracted, and our children realize it. It is important that we take at least a few minutes a day to talk with our children without distractions and practice active listening, putting ourselves at their level and giving them full attention. Show availability and interest in the other person.

“Te entiendo”

Understanding the behavior of our children without judging them is essential to establish a relationship of trust with them. It does not imply agreeing with what they do or validating bad behavior.

“I care about you”

They are the most important thing in our lives, but have you let them know? Of course we must show it to him with our actions day after day, but it is also nice that we tell him.

“No te apresures”

Sometimes we parents want them to grow up quickly, but it is important to respect their own rhythms. Let’s not overwhelm them. All learning takes time, it is a long process that progresses step by step. Do not hurry up.

“You are worth a lot”

Each child is a unique and special human being. He mentions his qualities, praises his successes without falling into exaggeration and talks about his mistakes with empathy and a spirit of improvement.

“You can always count on me”

When they grow up, it is normal for them to begin to trust their friends with their things and do so less with their parents, but maintaining fluid communication with our children is key, especially in adolescence. Let them know that you will always be available for whatever they need, unconditionally .

“I love that you are my son”

They are the most beautiful thing we have, we cannot imagine life without our children as they are, with their strengths and weaknesses. Show him that you feel lucky to be his father/mother .

“You’re right”

We should not hesitate to agree with them when they are right, as well as ask for their forgiveness when we have made a mistake.

“I’m proud of you”

The pride of a parent is the best reward for a child. In one way or another, they always seek our approval.

“I love you”

And of course, to finish the most beautiful positive phrase that we should say it at least once a day every day of the year.

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